Talks and Workshops

My workshops and interactive talks are great for school children and groups of all age ranges.  You will discover how you can help protect and support the honey bee and make natural beeswax candles which have no added scents or perfumes so are suitable for people with allergies to these.

We are currently making candles for parties, weddings and special occasions – either as presents or for your own table.

  • Clubs for other interest groups (click here)
    • Clubs – such as Brownies / Guides; Cubs or Scouts
    • Women’s Institute,
    • Church groups,
    • youth groups
    • U3A
  • Which group do you belong to that might be interested to find out more about our honey bee and making your own natural beeswax candles?


Talks about Bees

Candle Making Workshops using natural beeswax

For school children and groups of all ages to share how they can help protect and support the honey bee and making natural beeswax candles.

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